Monday, March 31, 2008

Government Steals Infant Blood: Government Building A Blood Data Base

The Government is now taking blood from newborn infants.

The Health Departments in most localities are now taking blood from newborn infants and storing the blood information a State Data Bank. This blood is being screened in a massive search for DNA defects in the babies.

This program is a subversive way the government collects personal data on the citizens of the United States. It is a violation of personal privacy.

Many people don't even know that these blood samples are being screened for the DNA profile, and then that information is being stored in a national data base.

That wonderful hospital that you checked your wife into is complicit in this diabolic blood seizure, and the violations therein.

Folks the health department has no business taking your children's blood. Yet, parents go along with this blood sampling.

The blood also gets sold to private companies who use the blood for research. This information can end up in the data bases of the Insurance Companies who will in turn charge insurance costs accordingly.

The greatest fear people should have regarding this blood sampling is Eugenics. There will come a day when a child's blood will be screened for defects. The government may tell your child he/she can't get married. The government may come and take your child for sterilization. The government may decide to tell the insurance companies that this child is a high risk. As a result the child may not be eligible for health insurance.

Worse may be the time when the government demands the ending of a child's life. The mother and father will have no legal recourse as brain washed police and health officials come to collect a child deemed to be genetically unfit.

You think that I am kidding here. No, you need to become more aware about how evil the government can become. Open the link above and then read on.

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